The Biaroza programming libraries
last updated: Jan 22nd, 2002
If you are a software developer and intend to create software related to the Biaroza project
(e.g. a new full-featured software dictionary) you may want to use the Biaroza libraries,
which will save a lot of work from you.
The libraries are free and may be distributed under the GPL license.
Here is the list of currently available libraries:
- bff_parser
This is the BFF file parser.
It is used to interpret the data from the BFF file in a way the programs can use it.
- files: bff_parser.c bff_parser.h
- language: ANSI C (compatible with C++)
- string_converters
Collections of routines to convert between UTF-8, 32-bit Unicode, 8-bit charsets (like ISO 8859) and surrogates.
- files: string_converters.c string_converters.h
- language: ANSI C (compatible with C++)
- smart_string
Smart string (AKA "sstring") is a special string type which has a dynamically-allocated buffer, thus
very useful when you can't predict how far your string can grow.
- files: smart_string.c smart_string.h
- language: ANSI C (compatible with C++)
The following libraries: bff_parser, string_converters and smart_string are present
in the Sava dictionary sources, together in the same package.
Download Biaroza sources (which contains the above libraries) from the "Softwares" section.