Biaroza Dictionary System

The Biaroza Dictionary System (from now BDS) is a standard for human languages' computer dictionaries in computers, it may be used for Japanese-English dictionaries, Polish-Czech, etc.
The standard defines, among other things, the file format for dictionaries' databases.

The BDS is being maintained by the "project Biaroza", which also maintains a Belarusian-English-Belarusian dictionary (the reason why the Biaroza software was created).

The BDS is being developed for Unix-compatible OSes (such as Linux, BSD, etc) and ported to other OSes (such as Windows, yet a far-from-perfect port).

  • People willing to maintain ports for non-Unix OSes are welcome.
  • Anyone willing to design graphic interfaces for Biaroza (Unix or non-Unix) are most welcome.

>>> Click here to access the project's downloads page <<<
  • Biaroza
  • Sava (Belarusian-English-Belarusian database)
  • SAP (Polish-English-Polish database)
  • PtBr-Slang (Brazilian Portuguese slang database)

Page maintained by Daniel Mealha Cabrita (dancab at gmx dot net)
Last update: May 23rd, 2003